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Helms Country Estates

A subdivision of Pinecrest Miami.

Gated : No

Club Membership : No

No-Fee Community : No

Helms Country Estates, Miami, FL Homes for Sale

10860 SW 67th Ct | Helms Country Estates Re- $11,200,000 7 9 $1,513 -
6155 SW 106th St | Helms Country Estates Add $10,250,000 7 8/2 $1,113 -
10700 SW 60th Ave | Willies Woods $6,000,000 7 8/1 $1,214 -
6650 SW 106th St | Pinecrest Shear Estates $9,100,000 5 7/1 $990 -
6655 SW 106th St | Mc Allister Acres $7,475,000 6 7/1 $955 -
6330 SW 107th St | Helms Country Estates Add $6,500,000 7 7/1 $989 -
6830 SW 104th St | Helms Country Estates Re- $6,600,000 7 7/1 $957 -
6790 SW 104th St | Helms Country Estates Re- $5,950,000 7 7/1 $891 -
6460 SW 106 St | Helms Country Estates Add $5,500,000 6 7/1 $769 -
10800 SW 68th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re- $5,200,000 7 7/1 $830 -
6490 SW 106th St | Helms Country Estates Add $5,850,000 6 5/3 $849 -
10825 SW 69th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re- $5,450,000 4 4/1 $1,169 -
6401 SW 107th St | Helms Country Estates Add $5,500,000 7 7 $770 -
10820 SW 69th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re- $5,250,000 6 5/1 $1,007 -
10900 SW 67th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re- $4,550,000 7 8/1 $828 -
10900 SW 62nd Ave | Unplatted $4,700,000 6 8 $583 -
6751 SW 106th St | Helms Country Estates Re- $4,800,000 7 6 $801 -
10601 SW 67th Court | Helms Country Estates Re- $4,620,000 9 10/1 $526 -
6335 SW 110th St | Rimoldi $3,650,000 5 5/1 $945 -
11040 SW 69th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re- $3,875,000 5 4/1 $966 -
10651 SW 67th Ct | Helms Country Estates Re- $3,933,000 5 4/1 $895 -
6300 SW 109th St | Rimoldi $3,375,000 6 4 $687 -
10650 SW 68th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re- $3,700,000 5 4 $776 -
6350 SW 109th St | Rimoldi $3,500,000 0 0 0 -
6025 SW 106th St | Helms Country Estate $3,375,750 5 4 $997 -
10801 SW 68th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re- $3,300,000 6 5 $635 -
6801 SW 112th St | Helms Country Estates Re- $3,450,000 5 3/1 $827 -
10640 SW 61st Ave | Helms Country Estates Add $3,200,000 5 4/1 $854 -
10840 SW 67th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re- $3,175,000 4 3 $1,595 -
6855 SW 112th St | Helms Country Estates Re- $3,050,000 4 4 $802 -
10800 SW 62nd Ave | Unplatted $3,050,000 5 4 $850 -
10635 SW 63rd Ave | Helms Country Estates Add $3,350,000 5 4 $630 -
10524 SW 60th Ave | Helms Country Estates Add $2,800,000 4 3/1 $598 -
10720 SW 69th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re- $2,800,000 5 4 $830 -
6801 SW 112th St | Helms Country Estates Re- $2,750,000 5 3/1 $650 -
6747 SW 112th St | Helms Country Estates Re- $2,075,000 5 4/1 $530 -
6080 SW 104th St | Helms Country Estates Add $60,000/mo 7 8/1 $8 -
6460 SW 106th St | Helms Country Estates Add $29,000/mo 6 7/1 $4 -
10640 SW 61st Ave | Helms Country Estates Add $13,750/mo 5 4/1 $4 -
6075 SW 106th St # | Helms Country Estates Add,helms Country Estate $13,300/mo 5 4 $4 -

10801 SW 67th Ave | Rimoldi


7 beds, 9/1 baths, 8,990sqft, $1,324/sqft

6080 SW 104th St | Helms Country Estates Add


7 beds, 8/1 baths, 8,551sqft, $1,228/sqft

6831 SW 106th St | Helms Country Estates Re-


6 beds, 7/2 baths, 8,540sqft, $1,171/sqft

6255 SW 110th St | Unplatted


7 beds, 7/1 baths, 8,187sqft, $1,020/sqft

Virtual Tour - 10851 SW 63rd Ave | Rimoldi


6 beds, 6/1 baths, 8,029sqft, $996/sqft

6424 SW 109th St | Rimoldi


5 beds, 4/1 baths, 5,039sqft, $1,018/sqft

10401 SW 64th Ave | Helms Country Estates Add


5 beds, 5/1 baths, 6,403sqft, $695/sqft

6480 SW 107th St | Helms Country Estates Add


7 beds, 7/1 baths, 5,257sqft, $837/sqft

6855 SW 112th St | Helms Country Estates Re-


5 beds, 4 baths, 4,179sqft, $1,052/sqft

Open House January 23 - 11am-1pm - 10750 SW 67th Ave | Pinecrest


5 beds, 6/1 baths, 5,259sqft, $714/sqft

6340 SW 104th St | Helms Country Estates Add


6 beds, 4 baths, 4,133sqft, $847/sqft

6075 SW 106th St | Helms Country Estates Add,helms Country


5 beds, 4 baths, 4,034sqft, $4/sqft

10840 SW 67th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re-


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,101sqft, $4/sqft

10801 SW 67th Ave | Rimoldi


7 beds, 9/1 baths, 8,990sqft, $1,324/sqft

6080 SW 104th St | Helms Country Estates Add


7 beds, 8/1 baths, 8,551sqft, $1,228/sqft

6831 SW 106th St | Helms Country Estates Re-


6 beds, 7/2 baths, 8,540sqft, $1,171/sqft

6255 SW 110th St | Unplatted


7 beds, 7/1 baths, 8,187sqft, $1,020/sqft

10851 SW 63rd Ave | Rimoldi


6 beds, 6/1 baths, 8,029sqft, $996/sqft

6424 SW 109th St | Rimoldi


5 beds, 4/1 baths, 5,039sqft, $1,018/sqft

10401 SW 64th Ave | Helms Country Estates Add


5 beds, 5/1 baths, 6,403sqft, $695/sqft

6480 SW 107th St | Helms Country Estates Add


7 beds, 7/1 baths, 5,257sqft, $837/sqft

6855 SW 112th St | Helms Country Estates Re-


5 beds, 4 baths, 4,179sqft, $1,052/sqft

Open House January 23 - 11am-1pm - 10750 SW 67th Ave | Pinecrest


5 beds, 6/1 baths, 5,259sqft, $714/sqft

6340 SW 104th St | Helms Country Estates Add


6 beds, 4 baths, 4,133sqft, $847/sqft

6075 SW 106th St | Helms Country Estates Add,helms Country


5 beds, 4 baths, 4,034sqft, $4/sqft

10840 SW 67th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re-


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,101sqft, $4/sqft

10860 SW 67th Ct | Helms Country Estates Re-


7 beds, 9 baths, 8,263sqft, $1,513/sqft

6155 SW 106th St | Helms Country Estates Add


7 beds, 8/2 baths, 9,886sqft, $1,113/sqft

10700 SW 60th Ave | Willies Woods


7 beds, 8/1 baths, 8,612sqft, $1,214/sqft

6650 SW 106th St | Pinecrest Shear Estates


5 beds, 7/1 baths, 9,495sqft, $990/sqft

6655 SW 106th St | Mc Allister Acres


6 beds, 7/1 baths, 8,373sqft, $955/sqft

6330 SW 107th St | Helms Country Estates Add


7 beds, 7/1 baths, 7,076sqft, $989/sqft

6830 SW 104th St | Helms Country Estates Re-


7 beds, 7/1 baths, 6,898sqft, $957/sqft

6790 SW 104th St | Helms Country Estates Re-


7 beds, 7/1 baths, 6,679sqft, $891/sqft

6460 SW 106 St | Helms Country Estates Add


6 beds, 7/1 baths, 7,745sqft, $769/sqft

10800 SW 68th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re-


7 beds, 7/1 baths, 7,056sqft, $830/sqft

6490 SW 106th St | Helms Country Estates Add


6 beds, 5/3 baths, 6,714sqft, $849/sqft

10825 SW 69th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re-


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 4,784sqft, $1,169/sqft

6401 SW 107th St | Helms Country Estates Add


7 beds, 7 baths, 7,147sqft, $770/sqft

10820 SW 69th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re-


6 beds, 5/1 baths, 5,214sqft, $1,007/sqft

10900 SW 67th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re-


7 beds, 8/1 baths, 6,130sqft, $828/sqft

10900 SW 62nd Ave | Unplatted


6 beds, 8 baths, 8,585sqft, $583/sqft

6751 SW 106th St | Helms Country Estates Re-


7 beds, 6 baths, 6,120sqft, $801/sqft

10601 SW 67th Court | Helms Country Estates Re-


9 beds, 10/1 baths, 8,569sqft, $526/sqft

6335 SW 110th St | Rimoldi


5 beds, 5/1 baths, 4,540sqft, $945/sqft

11040 SW 69th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re-


5 beds, 4/1 baths, 4,348sqft, $966/sqft

10651 SW 67th Ct | Helms Country Estates Re-


5 beds, 4/1 baths, 4,584sqft, $895/sqft

6300 SW 109th St | Rimoldi


6 beds, 4 baths, 5,603sqft, $687/sqft

10650 SW 68th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re-


5 beds, 4 baths, 4,886sqft, $776/sqft

6025 SW 106th St | Helms Country Estate


5 beds, 4 baths, 3,714sqft, $997/sqft

10801 SW 68th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re-


6 beds, 5 baths, 5,512sqft, $635/sqft

6801 SW 112th St | Helms Country Estates Re-


5 beds, 3/1 baths, 4,233sqft, $827/sqft

10640 SW 61st Ave | Helms Country Estates Add


5 beds, 4/1 baths, 4,100sqft, $854/sqft

10840 SW 67th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re-


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,101sqft, $1,595/sqft

6855 SW 112th St | Helms Country Estates Re-


4 beds, 4 baths, 4,179sqft, $802/sqft

10800 SW 62nd Ave | Unplatted


5 beds, 4 baths, 3,885sqft, $850/sqft

10635 SW 63rd Ave | Helms Country Estates Add


5 beds, 4 baths, 4,922sqft, $630/sqft

10524 SW 60th Ave | Helms Country Estates Add


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 5,001sqft, $598/sqft

10720 SW 69th Ave | Helms Country Estates Re-


5 beds, 4 baths, 3,377sqft, $830/sqft

6801 SW 112th St | Helms Country Estates Re-


5 beds, 3/1 baths, 4,233sqft, $650/sqft

6747 SW 112th St | Helms Country Estates Re-


5 beds, 4/1 baths, 4,341sqft, $530/sqft

6080 SW 104th St | Helms Country Estates Add


7 beds, 8/1 baths, 8,551sqft, $8/sqft

6460 SW 106th St | Helms Country Estates Add


6 beds, 7/1 baths, 7,745sqft, $4/sqft

10640 SW 61st Ave | Helms Country Estates Add


5 beds, 4/1 baths, 3,902sqft, $4/sqft

6075 SW 106th St # | Helms Country Estates Add,helms Country Estate


5 beds, 4 baths, 4,388sqft, $4/sqft

Helms Country Estates Map

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Helms Country Estates Pinecrest, FL Homes for Sale

Take a look at the single-family homes for sale in Helms Country Estates, a prestigious community with lavish homes ranging from four to seven bedrooms. Residence features include open floor plans, walk in closets, marble and wood floors, gourmet kitchens, designer finishes and so much more.

Helms Country Estates is in Pinecrest on a quiet and scenic street. The area is known for its scenic location and offers residents a variety of parks and open spaces for outdoor recreation. Close by is shopping, dining, and entertainment facilities as well as major highways.

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Jeff Lichtenstein's Echo Fine Properties


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O 561-500-3246

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