Monterey Pointe Palm Beach Gardens 7 Homes for Sale | Echo Fine Properties Artboard 1? alert-icon? Artboard 1? ? ? delete-icon? edit-icon? email-icon hide-hover-icon? Artboard 1? login-icon-white Artboard 1? next-icon-left next-icon-right-left next-icon-left-ochre next-icon next-icon-right-grey next-icon-right-ochre plus-with-circle-iconP search-fw-icon? search-icon-ochre search-icon-white

Monterey Pointe

A subdivision of PGA National.

Total Homes : 157

Percentage Available: 1.9 %

Gated : Yes

Club Membership : No

No-Fee Community : No

Monterey Pointe, Palm Beach Gardens, FL Homes for Sale

44 Pinnacle Cove | Monterey Pointe At PGA Na $835,000 4 3 $339 -
9 Porta Vista Circle | Monterey Pointe $632,000 4 3 $242 -
49 Pinnacle Cove | Monterey Pointe $617,500 3 3 $317 -
6 Porta Vista Circle | Monterey Pointe $575,000 4 3 $249 -
102 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe $500,000 4 2/1 $220 -
44 Pinnacle Cove | Monterey Pointe $468,000 4 3 $189 -
85 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe $429,000 3 3 $227 -
50 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe - PGA Nat $400,000 3 3 $237 -
99 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe $427,500 4 4 $171 -
12 Porta Vista Circle | Monterey Pointe $415,000 4 3 $162 -
101 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe $375,000 3 2 $257 -
116 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe - Eagleton $360,000 4 3 $166 -
92 Monterey Pointe Drive | PGA - Monterey Pointe $390,000 3 3 $198 -
21 Porta Vista Circle | Monterey Pointe $395,000 4 3 $151 -
100 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe $395,000 3 2 $233 -
154 Spyglass Way | Monterey Pointe $350,000 3 2/1 $206 -
84 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe $355,000 4 3 $156 -
80 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe 2- PGA Na $375,000 3 2 $231 -
120 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe $370,000 3 2 $222 -
82 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe $355,000 3 2/1 $204 -
60 Monterey Pointe Drive | PGA Resort Community Of M $346,000 3 2/1 $195 -
74 Spyglass Way | Monterey Pointe $335,000 3 2/1 $245 -
129 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe $300,000 3 2 $222 -
63 Monterey Pointe Drive | PGA Resort Community Of M $299,900 3 2/1 $163 -
134 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe @ PGA $267,500 3 2/1 $158 -
125 Spyglass Way | Monterey Pointe 02 $255,000 3 2/1 $152 -
60 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe $255,000 3 2/1 $149 -
14 Porta Vista Circle | Monterey Pointe $240,000 3 3/1 $105 -
21 Porta Vista Circle | PGA Resort Community Of M $2,950/mo 4 3 $2 -
32 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe $2,800/mo 3 2/1 $2 -
96 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe 2 $1,265,000 4 3 $489 -
9 Porta Vista Circle | Monterey Pointe 3 $1,280,000 4 3 $472 -
98 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe 2 $875,000 4 4 $340 -
99 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe 2 $765,000 4 4 $319 -
43 Pinnacle Cove | PGA Resort Community Of Monterey Pointe $720,000 3 2/1 $402 -
4 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe $745,000 4 3 $311 -
133 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe 2 $675,000 3 2/1 $485 -
114 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe 4 $725,000 3 3 $347 -
76 Spyglass Way | PGA Resort Community Of M $660,000 4 3/1 $274 -
142 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe 2 $665,000 3 2 $419 -

33 Monterey Pointe Drive | PGA Resort Community Of M


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,467sqft, $316/sqft

30 Porta Vista Circle | PGA Resort Community Pl O


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,636sqft, $428/sqft

122 Spyglass Way | Monterey Pointe 2


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,847sqft, $352/sqft

129 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe 2


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,467sqft, $427/sqft

118 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe 3


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,669sqft, $12/sqft

46 Pinnacle Cv Cove | PGA Resort Community Of M


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,652sqft, $5/sqft

33 Monterey Pointe Drive | PGA Resort Community Of M


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,467sqft, $5/sqft

77 Spyglass Way N | PGA Resort Community Of M


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,471sqft, $5/sqft

77 Spyglass Way | Monterey Pointe - PGA Nat


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,471sqft, $4/sqft

33 Monterey Pointe Drive | PGA Resort Community Of M


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,467sqft, $316/sqft

30 Porta Vista Circle | PGA Resort Community Pl O


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,636sqft, $428/sqft

122 Spyglass Way | Monterey Pointe 2


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,847sqft, $352/sqft

129 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe 2


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,467sqft, $427/sqft

118 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe 3


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,669sqft, $12/sqft

46 Pinnacle Cv Cove | PGA Resort Community Of M


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,652sqft, $5/sqft

33 Monterey Pointe Drive | PGA Resort Community Of M


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,467sqft, $5/sqft

77 Spyglass Way N | PGA Resort Community Of M


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,471sqft, $5/sqft

77 Spyglass Way | Monterey Pointe - PGA Nat


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,471sqft, $4/sqft

44 Pinnacle Cove | Monterey Pointe At PGA Na


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,652sqft, $339/sqft

9 Porta Vista Circle | Monterey Pointe


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,652sqft, $242/sqft

49 Pinnacle Cove | Monterey Pointe


3 beds, 3 baths, 2,022sqft, $317/sqft

6 Porta Vista Circle | Monterey Pointe


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,415sqft, $249/sqft

102 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe


4 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,388sqft, $220/sqft

44 Pinnacle Cove | Monterey Pointe


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,652sqft, $189/sqft

85 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe


3 beds, 3 baths, 2,029sqft, $227/sqft

50 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe - PGA Nat


3 beds, 3 baths, 1,900sqft, $237/sqft

99 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe


4 beds, 4 baths, 2,643sqft, $171/sqft

12 Porta Vista Circle | Monterey Pointe


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,652sqft, $162/sqft

101 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,655sqft, $257/sqft

116 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe - Eagleton


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,415sqft, $166/sqft

92 Monterey Pointe Drive | PGA - Monterey Pointe


3 beds, 3 baths, 2,021sqft, $198/sqft

21 Porta Vista Circle | Monterey Pointe


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,652sqft, $151/sqft

100 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,700sqft, $233/sqft

154 Spyglass Way | Monterey Pointe


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,847sqft, $206/sqft

84 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,415sqft, $156/sqft

80 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe 2- PGA Na


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,629sqft, $231/sqft

120 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,692sqft, $222/sqft

82 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,847sqft, $204/sqft

60 Monterey Pointe Drive | PGA Resort Community Of M


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,847sqft, $195/sqft

74 Spyglass Way | Monterey Pointe


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,471sqft, $245/sqft

129 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,467sqft, $222/sqft

63 Monterey Pointe Drive | PGA Resort Community Of M


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,847sqft, $163/sqft

134 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe @ PGA


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,900sqft, $158/sqft

125 Spyglass Way | Monterey Pointe 02


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,847sqft, $152/sqft

60 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,847sqft, $149/sqft

14 Porta Vista Circle | Monterey Pointe


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,375sqft, $105/sqft

21 Porta Vista Circle | PGA Resort Community Of M


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,415sqft, $2/sqft

32 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,471sqft, $2/sqft

96 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe 2


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,652sqft, $489/sqft

9 Porta Vista Circle | Monterey Pointe 3


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,652sqft, $472/sqft

98 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe 2


4 beds, 4 baths, 2,652sqft, $340/sqft

99 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe 2


4 beds, 4 baths, 2,507sqft, $319/sqft

43 Pinnacle Cove | PGA Resort Community Of Monterey Pointe


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,870sqft, $402/sqft

4 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,415sqft, $311/sqft

133 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe 2


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,467sqft, $485/sqft

114 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe 4


3 beds, 3 baths, 2,022sqft, $347/sqft

76 Spyglass Way | PGA Resort Community Of M


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,467sqft, $274/sqft

142 Monterey Pointe Drive | Monterey Pointe 2


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,600sqft, $419/sqft

Monterey Pointe Map

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Within PGA National is the private and gated section of 9 communities called Eagleton.  One of these is the neighborhood of Monterey Pointe with both townhouses and single family homes.  This rather large collection of homes is bordered on the east by golf course views and on the south and west by lakes.

The Mediterranean inspired homes range in size from two bedroom models of around 1,600 square feet to three and four bedroom units with living areas in the 2,600 foot range. Monterey Pointe Drive is a circular street that winds around, opening to cul-de-sacs within and at Porta Vista Circle, Spyglass, and Pinnacle Cove.

These PGA National homes feature spacious floor plans with cathedral ceilings and skylights producing an open and bright feel.  Natural gas is available for hot water, kitchen preparation and cooking or for use in your summer kitchen by the private pool.  In addition to private pools, there is a community pool with cabana and sundeck.

Upgraded homes may offer marble flooring and granite counters with stainless steel appliances rounding out the kitchen package.

If you like to play golf, homes in Monterey Pointe offer you the chance to play any of the five golf courses that make up the PGA complex.  The most famous of the courses, The Champion, is home to the PGA Tour when it stops here in March to play the Honda Classic.  And PGA National is the only club in Palm Beach Gardens where membership is optional when residing there.

PGA National is 2,340 acres of carefully planned development with 800 of these acres designated as green space with the golf courses, parks, playgrounds, hiking trails and cycling paths.  Additionally, 240 acres on the western side are set aside as a dedicated wildlife preserve with pavilion for viewing them.

Located in central Palm Beach Gardens, PGA National offers you quick access to the ocean and clubs near Jupiter to the north and the airport and downtown West Palm Beach to the south.  If you are looking for a central PGA location, these homes may offer just what you are looking for.

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