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A subdivision of Pinewood.

Total Homes : 159

Percentage Available: 1.3 %

Gated : No

Club Membership : No

No-Fee Community : No

Lawndale, Miami, FL Homes for Sale

1125 NW 113th Ter | Lawndale 4th Addn $555,000 0 0 $359 -
1166 NW 113th Ter | Lawndale 4th Addn $601,500 3 2/1 $292 -
1100 NW 111th St | 6th Addn To Lawndale $510,000 0 0 $316 -
1086 NW 110th St | 5th Addn To Lawndale $500,000 0 0 $198 -
1141 NW 112th St | Lawndale 4th Addn $495,000 4 2 $325 -
1040 NW 113th Ter | Lawndale 3rd Addn $510,000 4 2 $394 -
1035 NW 108th St | 5th Addn To Lawndale $510,000 3 2 $462 -
1160 NW 108th Ter | 6th Addn To Lawndale $475,000 2 2 $340 -
1166 NW 113th Ter | Lawndale 4th Addn $425,000 3 2/1 $216 -
1125 NW 109th St | 6th Addn To Lawndale $454,900 3 2 $349 -
1165 NW 110th St | 6th Addn To Lawndale $450,500 4 2 $360 -
1085 NW 113th Terrace | Lawndale 3rd Addn $450,000 0 0 $293 -
10850 NW 10th Ave | 5th Addn To Lawndale $378,000 4 2 $386 -
1029 NW 112th St | Lawndale 3rd Addn $340,000 0 0 $287 -
1054 NW 111th St | 5th Addn To Lawndale $400,000 0 0 $229 -
1092 NW 115th St | Lawndale 3rd Addn $400,000 4 3 $248 -
1089 NW 112th Ter | Rev Plat Of 3rd & 4th Add $330,000 4 3 $169 -
1041 NW 107th St | 5th Addn To Lawndale $350,000 3 2 $252 -
1160 NW 108th St | 6th Addn To Lawndale $299,999 3 2 $214 -
10850 NW 10th Ave | 5th Addn To Lawndale $240,000 3 1 $219 -
1130 NW 114th Street | Lawndale 4th Addn $228,000 2 1 0 -
1192 NW 112th Ter #1192 | Lawndale 4th Addn $3,000/mo 3 2 $1 -
1086 NW 110th St | 5th Addn To Lawndale $2,100/mo 2 1 $2 -
1017 NW 108th St #1 | 5th Addn To Lawndale $2,000/mo 2 2 $2 -
1079 NW 112th Ter #3 | Lawndale 3rd Addn $1,950/mo 2 1 $2 -
1079 NW 112th Ter #2 | Lawndale 4th Addn $1,115/mo 0 1 $6 -

1029 NW 107th St | 5th Addn To Lawndale


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,943sqft, $271/sqft

1100 NW 108th Ter | 6th Addn To Lawndale


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,400sqft, $357/sqft

1100 NW 114th St | Lawndale 4th Add


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,404sqft, $332/sqft

11203 NW 12th Ave #1 | Lawndale 4th Addn


2 beds, 1 baths, 1,891sqft, $2/sqft

1088 NW 110th St #2 | 5th Addn To Lawndale


2 beds, 1 baths, 1,122sqft, $2/sqft

1079 NW 112th Ter #2 | Lawndale 3rd Addn


1 baths, 210sqft, $6/sqft

1029 NW 107th St | 5th Addn To Lawndale


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,943sqft, $271/sqft

1100 NW 108th Ter | 6th Addn To Lawndale


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,400sqft, $357/sqft

1100 NW 114th St | Lawndale 4th Add


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,404sqft, $332/sqft

11203 NW 12th Ave #1 | Lawndale 4th Addn


2 beds, 1 baths, 1,891sqft, $2/sqft

1088 NW 110th St #2 | 5th Addn To Lawndale


2 beds, 1 baths, 1,122sqft, $2/sqft

1079 NW 112th Ter #2 | Lawndale 3rd Addn


1 baths, 210sqft, $6/sqft

1125 NW 113th Ter | Lawndale 4th Addn


1,868sqft, $359/sqft

1166 NW 113th Ter | Lawndale 4th Addn


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,161sqft, $292/sqft

1100 NW 111th St | 6th Addn To Lawndale


1,741sqft, $316/sqft

1086 NW 110th St | 5th Addn To Lawndale


2,644sqft, $198/sqft

1141 NW 112th St | Lawndale 4th Addn


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,601sqft, $325/sqft

1040 NW 113th Ter | Lawndale 3rd Addn


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,320sqft, $394/sqft

1035 NW 108th St | 5th Addn To Lawndale


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,104sqft, $462/sqft

1160 NW 108th Ter | 6th Addn To Lawndale


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,442sqft, $340/sqft

1166 NW 113th Ter | Lawndale 4th Addn


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,161sqft, $216/sqft

1125 NW 109th St | 6th Addn To Lawndale


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,304sqft, $349/sqft

1165 NW 110th St | 6th Addn To Lawndale


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,260sqft, $360/sqft

1085 NW 113th Terrace | Lawndale 3rd Addn


1,539sqft, $293/sqft

10850 NW 10th Ave | 5th Addn To Lawndale


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,076sqft, $386/sqft

1029 NW 112th St | Lawndale 3rd Addn


1,398sqft, $287/sqft

1054 NW 111th St | 5th Addn To Lawndale


1,748sqft, $229/sqft

1092 NW 115th St | Lawndale 3rd Addn


4 beds, 3 baths, 1,593sqft, $248/sqft

1089 NW 112th Ter | Rev Plat Of 3rd & 4th Add


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,127sqft, $169/sqft

1041 NW 107th St | 5th Addn To Lawndale


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,394sqft, $252/sqft

1160 NW 108th St | 6th Addn To Lawndale


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,400sqft, $214/sqft

10850 NW 10th Ave | 5th Addn To Lawndale


3 beds, 1 baths, 1,076sqft, $219/sqft

1192 NW 112th Ter #1192 | Lawndale 4th Addn


3 beds, 2 baths, 3,400sqft, $1/sqft

1086 NW 110th St | 5th Addn To Lawndale


2 beds, 1 baths, 1,172sqft, $2/sqft

1017 NW 108th St #1 | 5th Addn To Lawndale


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,406sqft, $2/sqft

1079 NW 112th Ter #3 | Lawndale 3rd Addn


2 beds, 1 baths, 1,000sqft, $2/sqft

1079 NW 112th Ter #2 | Lawndale 4th Addn


1 baths, 210sqft, $6/sqft

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Lawndale, Miami, FL Homes for Sale

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Jeff Lichtenstein's Echo Fine Properties


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O 561-500-3246

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