Missionwood at Miramar Miramar 7 Homes for Sale | Echo Fine Properties Artboard 1? alert-icon? Artboard 1? ? ? delete-icon? edit-icon? email-icon hide-hover-icon? Artboard 1? login-icon-white Artboard 1? next-icon-left next-icon-right-left next-icon-left-ochre next-icon next-icon-right-grey next-icon-right-ochre plus-with-circle-iconP search-fw-icon? search-icon-ochre search-icon-white

Missionwood at Miramar

A subdivision of Miramar.

Total Homes : 239

Percentage Available: 3.3 %

Gated : No

Club Membership : No

No-Fee Community : No

Missionwood at Miramar, Miramar, FL Homes for Sale

3033 W Missionwood Cir #A-44 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $390,000 3 2 $330 -
8416 N Missionwood Cir #A-16 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $337,000 3 2 $302 -
8443 W Missionwood Dr #A-12 | Missionwood $356,000 3 2 $296 -
8443 W Missionwood Dr #8443 | Missionwood $340,000 3 2 $292 -
8318 N Missionwood Cir #A-23 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $340,000 3 2 $288 -
8409 N Missionwood Cir #D-30 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $342,000 3 2 $283 -
8409 N Missionwood Cir #D-30 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $320,000 3 2 $271 -
8401 S Missionwood Cir #A-43 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $335,000 3 2 $267 -
8301 E Missionwood Dr #1 | Missionwood $310,000 3 2 $263 -
8408 S Missionwood Cir #C-41 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $267,000 2 1/1 $300 -
3038 E Missionwood Cir #A-1 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $295,000 3 2 $250 -
8437 W Missionwood Dr #B-13 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $295,000 2 1/1 $295 -
8398 N Missionwood Cir #C-18 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $285,000 2 1/1 $290 -
8433 W Missionwood Dr #D-13 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $285,000 2 1/1 $285 -
2916 W Missionwood Ln #2916 | Missionwood At Miramar $248,000 2 1/1 $250 -
3033 W Missionwood Cir #A-44 | Missionwood At Miramar Co,missionwood $240,000 3 2 $205 -
8420 N Missionwood Cir #D-16 | Missionwood At Miramar $245,000 2 1/1 $245 -
3028 E Missionwood Ln #B-56 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $240,000 2 1/1 $240 -
3031 W Missionwood Ln #C-35 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $240,000 2 1/1 $240 -
3027 W Missionwood Ln #B-35 | Missionwood At Miramar $248,000 2 1/1 $235 -
2933 W Missionwood Ln #D-II | Missionwood At Miramar Co $240,000 2 2 $230 -
8398 S Missionwood Cir #B-II | Missionwood At Miramar Co $250,000 2 1/1 $225 -
8349 N Missionwood Circle #C-27 | Missionwood $207,500 2 1/1 $156 -
8424 N Missionwood Cir #C-16 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $215,000 2 1/1 $200 -
3033 E Missionwood Cir #B-59 | Missionwood At Miramar $207,000 2 1/1 $195 -
8313 E Missionwood Dr #A-25 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $2,700/mo 3 2 $3 -
3020 E Missionwood Ln #A-56 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $2,700/mo 3 2 $3 -
8380 N Missionwood Cir | Missionwood At Miramar Co $2,500/mo 3 2 $3 -
8340 N Missionwood Cir #C-22 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $2,500/mo 2 2 $3 -
8455 W Missionwood Dr | Missionwood At Miramar Co $2,300/mo 2 1/1 $3 -
2928 W Missionwood Cir #D-15 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $2,300/mo 2 1/1 $3 -
3012 W Missionwood Ln | Missionwood At Miramar Co $2,600/mo 3 2 $2 -
3037 E Missionwood Lane #D-111 | Missionwood At Miramar $2,250/mo 3 2 $2 -
8432 W Missionwood Dr #B-37 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $2,250/mo 2 1/1 $3 -
3056 W Missionwood Ln #C-II | Missionwood At Miramar Co $2,200/mo 2 1/1 $3 -
3031 W Missionwood Ln #C-35 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $2,300/mo 2 1/1 $3 -
3012 W Missionwood Ln #A-4 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $2,300/mo 3 2 $2 -
8336 N Missionwood Cir #D-22 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $2,100/mo 2 1/1 $3 -
3005 E Missionwood Ln #B-50 | Missionwood At Miramar Co $2,000/mo 2 1/1 $2 -

3038 E Missionwood Cir #A-1 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $321/sqft

3033 W Missionwood Circle #A-44 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $321/sqft

3029 E Missionwood Cir #D-III | Missionwood At Miramar Co


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $287/sqft

2944 W Missionwood Cir #D14 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $299/sqft

3031 E Missionwood Lane #C-51 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $292/sqft

2925 W Missionwood Ln #B-II | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $291/sqft

8420 N Missionwood Cir #D-16 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $290/sqft

3038 E Missionwood Cir #A-1 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $321/sqft

3033 W Missionwood Circle #A-44 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $321/sqft

3029 E Missionwood Cir #D-III | Missionwood At Miramar Co


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $287/sqft

2944 W Missionwood Cir #D14 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $299/sqft

3031 E Missionwood Lane #C-51 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $292/sqft

2925 W Missionwood Ln #B-II | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $291/sqft

8420 N Missionwood Cir #D-16 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $290/sqft

3033 W Missionwood Cir #A-44 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $330/sqft

8416 N Missionwood Cir #A-16 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $302/sqft

8443 W Missionwood Dr #A-12 | Missionwood


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $296/sqft

8443 W Missionwood Dr #8443 | Missionwood


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $292/sqft

8318 N Missionwood Cir #A-23 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $288/sqft

8409 N Missionwood Cir #D-30 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $283/sqft

8409 N Missionwood Cir #D-30 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $271/sqft

8401 S Missionwood Cir #A-43 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $267/sqft

8301 E Missionwood Dr #1 | Missionwood


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $263/sqft

8408 S Missionwood Cir #C-41 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $300/sqft

3038 E Missionwood Cir #A-1 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $250/sqft

8437 W Missionwood Dr #B-13 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $295/sqft

8398 N Missionwood Cir #C-18 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $290/sqft

8433 W Missionwood Dr #D-13 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $285/sqft

2916 W Missionwood Ln #2916 | Missionwood At Miramar


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $250/sqft

3033 W Missionwood Cir #A-44 | Missionwood At Miramar Co,missionwood


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $205/sqft

8420 N Missionwood Cir #D-16 | Missionwood At Miramar


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $245/sqft

3028 E Missionwood Ln #B-56 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $240/sqft

3031 W Missionwood Ln #C-35 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $240/sqft

3027 W Missionwood Ln #B-35 | Missionwood At Miramar


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $235/sqft

2933 W Missionwood Ln #D-II | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,000sqft, $230/sqft

8398 S Missionwood Cir #B-II | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $225/sqft

8349 N Missionwood Circle #C-27 | Missionwood


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,350sqft, $156/sqft

8424 N Missionwood Cir #C-16 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $200/sqft

3033 E Missionwood Cir #B-59 | Missionwood At Miramar


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $195/sqft

8313 E Missionwood Dr #A-25 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $3/sqft

3020 E Missionwood Ln #A-56 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $3/sqft

8380 N Missionwood Cir | Missionwood At Miramar Co


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $3/sqft

8340 N Missionwood Cir #C-22 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,000sqft, $3/sqft

8455 W Missionwood Dr | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $3/sqft

2928 W Missionwood Cir #D-15 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $3/sqft

3012 W Missionwood Ln | Missionwood At Miramar Co


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $2/sqft

3037 E Missionwood Lane #D-111 | Missionwood At Miramar


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $2/sqft

8432 W Missionwood Dr #B-37 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $3/sqft

3056 W Missionwood Ln #C-II | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $3/sqft

3031 W Missionwood Ln #C-35 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $3/sqft

3012 W Missionwood Ln #A-4 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,200sqft, $2/sqft

8336 N Missionwood Cir #D-22 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $3/sqft

3005 E Missionwood Ln #B-50 | Missionwood At Miramar Co


2 beds, 1/1 baths, 1,000sqft, $2/sqft

Missionwood at Miramar Map

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Welcome to Missionwood at Miramar

Missionwood at Miramar is a well-established and inviting community that blends comfort and affordability. With a total of 239 homes, this neighborhood continues to attract buyers looking for a vibrant living environment in the Miramar area. Residents of Missionwood enjoy a variety of amenities designed to enhance their living experience. A luxurious swimming pool provides a perfect spot for relaxation and recreation. The community clubhouse serves as an excellent venue for social gatherings and events. Additionally, peaceful trails and beautiful views of a central lake contribute to a tranquil lifestyle. The community fosters a strong sense of spirit and engagement among residents. On-site management ensures that the needs of residents are met promptly, while social spaces encourage interaction among neighbors.

Homes Missionwood at Miramar

The homes in Missionwood at Miramar are thoughtfully designed to provide a perfect blend of comfort, modern amenities, and stylish living. This community features a variety of home styles, including townhouse and villa-style units, each offering unique attributes that cater to different lifestyles. Townhouse-style units, particularly appealing for families and individuals seeking easy accessibility, often showcase spacious layouts with vaulted, exposed beam ceilings that create an airy atmosphere. Many of these homes have been fully updated, with kitchens that serve as the focal point. These modern, expanded designs typically include top-of-the-line appliances and stunning quartzite countertops installed recently. The master suites usually feature expansive walk-in closets, while the bathrooms are equipped with contemporary fixtures, including Bluetooth/LED lighting, adding a touch of luxury. On the other hand, villa-style homes emphasize contemporary design and functionality. Beautifully remodeled, these units often include fenced patios that provide private outdoor spaces for relaxation or entertaining. Inside, residents will find large walk-in closets in the master suites and updated bathrooms with modern amenities. The open floor plans allow for a seamless flow between living areas, dining spaces, and kitchens, making them ideal for both daily living and entertaining guests. All homes in Missionwood come with impactful safety features, including impact windows and doors, enhancing security and energy efficiency. Many units are also equipped with whole house water filtration systems connected to the main water line, ensuring clean water throughout the home. Parking is ample, with options including assigned tandem spaces and garage spaces, making it convenient for residents and their guests. Recent upgrades have significantly enhanced many homes, including new roofs, updated electrical systems, and modernized interiors. The community is currently undergoing improvements for a 40-year recertification, further enhancing property values and assuring residents of the community’s long-term stability.

Nearby Attractions in Missionwood at Miramar

Missionwood at Miramar is conveniently located near a variety of attractions that enhance the lifestyle of its residents. These attractions offer opportunities for entertainment, dining, shopping, and recreation, making the community an ideal place to live. One of the most notable nearby attractions is Hard Rock Stadium, located just a short drive away. This landmark venue hosts a range of events, including NFL games featuring the Miami Dolphins, college football games, and major concert tours. The stadium serves as a hub for sports and entertainment, drawing visitors from across the region for its diverse lineup of events. Another significant attraction is the Miami Gardens City Center, which is currently under development. This upcoming center is poised to become a vibrant destination for shopping, dining, and entertainment. With plans for retail spaces, restaurants, and recreational areas, it promises to enhance the community’s appeal and provide residents with convenient access to modern amenities. For those who enjoy outdoor activities, Miramar Regional Park is nearby and offers a range of recreational facilities. The park features walking and biking trails, picnic areas, sports fields, and playgrounds, making it a great spot for families and fitness enthusiasts. The well-maintained green spaces provide an excellent setting for relaxation and outdoor gatherings. Shopping enthusiasts will appreciate the proximity to The Shops at Pembroke Gardens, an outdoor lifestyle center that features a mix of retail stores, restaurants, and entertainment options. With a variety of shops ranging from high-end boutiques to popular retail chains, as well as dining options that include both casual and fine dining, this shopping destination caters to diverse tastes and needs. For cultural experiences, residents can explore the Calder Casino, which is located nearby. This venue offers gaming, live entertainment, and dining options, creating a lively atmosphere for those looking to enjoy a night out. Additionally, the community is well-connected to major roadways, including the Florida Turnpike, which provides easy access to the greater Miami area and surrounding attractions. This connectivity allows residents to explore more of South Florida, including beautiful beaches, vibrant nightlife, and cultural hotspots in downtown Miami.

Missionwood at Miramar Amenities

  • Swimming pool
  • Clubhouse
  • Walking trails
  • Lake views
  • On-site management
  • Assigned parking spaces

Missionwood at Miramar FAQs

1. Are there amenities within the community?
Yes, residents can enjoy a swimming pool, clubhouse, walking trails, and lake views, among other amenities.
2. Is parking available for residents?
Yes, there are assigned parking spaces, garage options, and ample guest parking.
3. What is the location like?
Missionwood is conveniently located near Hard Rock Stadium, shopping centers, parks, and major roadways for easy access to the greater Miami area.
4. How is the community managed?
Missionwood has on-site management to assist residents with any needs or concerns.
5. Are there virtual tours available?
Yes, virtual tours for homes for sale in Missionwood at Miramar are available. You can contact one of our Echo agents for specific details of homes for sale in Missionwood at Miramar that interests you.
6. What is the average size of the homes in Missionwood?
Homes typically range from around 1,200 to 1,600 square feet, depending on the style and layout.

Missionwood at Miramar Market Status

Missionwood at Miramar, FL Market Report & Stats

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