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Sunset Lake

A subdivision of Bayshore.

Total Homes : 190

Percentage Available: 3.2 %

Gated : Yes

Club Membership : No

No-Fee Community : No

Sunset Lake, FL Homes for Sale

3114 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $24,750,000 7 9/1 $3,117 -
2700 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $22,875,000 11 12/3 $2,472 -
2220 N Bay Rd | Sunset Lake Amd $28,300,000 5 6/2 $5,875 -
3100 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $13,600,000 7 5/5 0 -
3172 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $11,450,000 6 6 $2,284 -
2021 N Bay Rd | Sunset Lake $5,476,000 4 3/1 $2,006 -
2125 N Bay Rd | Sunset Lake Sub Amd Pl $4,800,000 4 3/1 $1,379 -
3055 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $3,500,000 4 3 $1,507 -
2153 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $3,650,000 4 4 $1,221 -
2702 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $3,750,000 0 0 0 -
3103 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $3,650,000 5 5 $999 -
2935 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $3,400,000 4 3 $1,761 -
3055 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $3,555,000 4 3 $1,267 -
2211 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $3,160,000 3 2/1 $1,150 -
2210 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $3,000,000 4 5 $874 -
2371 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $3,150,000 4 3/1 $1,048 -
2385 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $2,759,000 3 2/1 $1,367 -
2075 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $2,450,000 0 0 0 -
2075 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $2,450,000 4 4 $854 -
2033 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $2,147,211 4 3 $1,325 -
1220 W 21st St | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $2,400,000 4 4 $1,494 -
2950 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $2,432,500 4 3 $817 -
2135 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $2,100,000 4 3/1 $871 -
2385 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $2,500,000 3 2 $1,139 -
3045 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $2,250,000 4 2 $879 -
3020 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $2,100,000 4 4/1 $900 -
2112 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $1,960,000 4 3/1 $712 -
2032 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $1,599,000 4 4 $576 -
3020 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S,miami Beach $1,575,000 4 4/1 $684 -
2354 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $1,525,000 3 2 $1,112 -
3010 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $1,700,000 5 4 $572 -
3045 N Bay Rd | Sunset Lake Amd $1,650,000 4 2/1 $529 -
2360 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $1,125,000 4 5 $803 -
2700 N Bay Rd # | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $90,000/mo 11 12/3 $9 -
2914 Alton Rd | Sunset Lake Amd Pl $37,500/mo 6 6/1 $8 -
2153 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $32,500/mo 4 4/1 $10 -
2382 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $24,000/mo 4 4/1 $9 -
3020 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S,miami Beach $18,500/mo 4 4/1 $9 -
2382 Alton Rd 0 | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $17,500/mo 4 4/1 $7 -
3010 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S $12,000/mo 7 6 $5 -

3026 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


6 beds, 5/2 baths, 6,636sqft, $2,246/sqft

2382 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 2,938sqft, $1,260/sqft

Virtual Tour - 2211 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,799sqft, $1,322/sqft

2312 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,833sqft, $777/sqft

2054 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,803sqft, $1,221/sqft

2051 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 5/1 baths, 3,575sqft, $24/sqft

2914 Alton Rd | Sunset Lake Amd Pl


6 beds, 6/1 baths, 4,350sqft, $7/sqft

2115 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


6 beds, 4 baths, 3,990sqft, $4/sqft

2007 N Bay Rd #Studio-2 | Sunset Lake


1 baths, 175sqft, $9/sqft

3026 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


6 beds, 5/2 baths, 6,636sqft, $2,246/sqft

2382 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 2,938sqft, $1,260/sqft

2211 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,799sqft, $1,322/sqft

2312 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,833sqft, $777/sqft

2054 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,803sqft, $1,221/sqft

2051 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 5/1 baths, 3,575sqft, $24/sqft

2914 Alton Rd | Sunset Lake Amd Pl


6 beds, 6/1 baths, 4,350sqft, $7/sqft

2115 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


6 beds, 4 baths, 3,990sqft, $4/sqft

2007 N Bay Rd #Studio-2 | Sunset Lake


1 baths, 175sqft, $9/sqft

3114 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


7 beds, 9/1 baths, 9,274sqft, $3,117/sqft

2700 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


11 beds, 12/3 baths, 10,114sqft, $2,472/sqft

2220 N Bay Rd | Sunset Lake Amd


5 beds, 6/2 baths, 4,256sqft, $5,875/sqft

3100 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


7 beds, 5/5 baths,

3172 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


6 beds, 6 baths, 5,248sqft, $2,284/sqft

2021 N Bay Rd | Sunset Lake


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,240sqft, $2,006/sqft

2125 N Bay Rd | Sunset Lake Sub Amd Pl


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,591sqft, $1,379/sqft

3055 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,921sqft, $1,507/sqft

2153 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 4 baths, 3,274sqft, $1,221/sqft

3103 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


5 beds, 5 baths, 3,805sqft, $999/sqft

2935 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,130sqft, $1,761/sqft

3055 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,921sqft, $1,267/sqft

2211 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,827sqft, $1,150/sqft

2210 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 5 baths, 3,663sqft, $874/sqft

2371 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,008sqft, $1,048/sqft

2385 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,196sqft, $1,367/sqft

2075 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 4 baths, 3,105sqft, $854/sqft

2033 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,001sqft, $1,325/sqft

1220 W 21st St | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 4 baths, 1,741sqft, $1,494/sqft

2950 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 3 baths, 3,123sqft, $817/sqft

2135 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,872sqft, $871/sqft

2385 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,196sqft, $1,139/sqft

3045 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 2 baths, 2,840sqft, $879/sqft

3020 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 2,474sqft, $900/sqft

2112 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,918sqft, $712/sqft

2032 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 4 baths, 2,950sqft, $576/sqft

3020 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S,miami Beach


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 2,474sqft, $684/sqft

2354 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,462sqft, $1,112/sqft

3010 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


5 beds, 4 baths, 2,710sqft, $572/sqft

3045 N Bay Rd | Sunset Lake Amd


4 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,840sqft, $529/sqft

2360 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 5 baths, 1,745sqft, $803/sqft

2700 N Bay Rd # | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


11 beds, 12/3 baths, 10,114sqft, $9/sqft

2914 Alton Rd | Sunset Lake Amd Pl


6 beds, 6/1 baths, 4,350sqft, $8/sqft

2153 N Bay Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 3,274sqft, $10/sqft

2382 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 2,938sqft, $9/sqft

3020 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S,miami Beach


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 2,474sqft, $9/sqft

2382 Alton Rd 0 | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 2,938sqft, $7/sqft

3010 Alton Rd | Amd Plat Of Sunset Lake S


7 beds, 6 baths, 3,677sqft, $5/sqft

Sunset Lake Map

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Sunset Lake: A Community Like No Other in Miami Beach 

Situated amidst the calm and exclusivity of Miami Beach, Sunset Lake is a highly sought-after community in Bayshore that offers opulent waterfront living. The 190-home enclave is a retreat for those looking for leisure and pleasure, with quiet streets and lovely views of Biscayne Bay. Boating enthusiasts and those who enjoy waterfront beauty will find the area ideal because it offers numerous properties with private boat docks and high-end amenities. The well-groomed yards, tree-lined streets, and varied architectural styles, which range from sleek modern residences to quaint Mediterranean villas, provide homeowners with a sophisticated lifestyle. Sunset Lake offers a unique way of life because of its ideal position, which makes it simple to enjoy both the lively energy of Miami Beach and a tranquil escape from the busy metropolis. 

Sunset Lake Homes Available 

The exclusive and opulent ambience of Sunset Lake is reflected in the homes there. The single-family residences in this exclusive community range in size from about 1,700 to 8,400 square feet. Sunset Lake offers a range of houses to suit different lifestyle requirements, from a comfortable three-bedroom home to a spacious eight-bedroom estate. In addition, a lot of the houses have three to ten baths, so there is plenty of area for relaxing and hosting visitors.  

Homes for sale in Sunset Lake, which differ widely in terms of architectural features and styles and were constructed between 1925 and 2020, provide people with the opportunity to enjoy life in both modern convenience and historic charm. Lots of residences have direct access to the bay, private pools, and lush gardens. Miami’s spectacular sunsets and energetic outdoor lifestyle are highlighted in the design of these large residences. The real estate in Sunset Lake offers a wide range of dream homes, whether you’re searching for a modern masterpiece or a traditional Mediterranean-style villa. 

Attractions and Amenities in the Area 

The best services and destinations on Miami Beach are conveniently close by for homeowners of Sunset Lake. If you’re an outdoor person, Collins Park has open areas for play and leisure, and the Miami Beach Botanical Garden’s lush vegetation provides a tranquil setting. The Miami Beach Golf Club is readily accessible by, allowing golfers to play a round on a beautiful course. The stylish stores, fitness centers, and extensive dining possibilities found at Sunset Harbour Shops are also conveniently accessible to locals.  

The close proximity of reputable institutions including North Beach Elementary, Miami Beach Nautilus Middle School, and Rabbi Alexander Gross High School benefits children residing in Sunset Lake. Healthcare is also conveniently close by because to the area’s excellent medical institutions, which include the Mount Sinai Medical Center. Sunset Lake is a pet-friendly neighborhood that offers convenient access to facilities like Banfield Pet Hospital, which will be of great interest to pet owners. Sunset Lake retains the tranquil atmosphere of a residential sanctuary while offering quick access to everything Miami Beach has to offer, including fine dining options, upscale shopping, and outdoor activities. 

Sunset Lake FAQs  

1. Are there waterfront properties in Sunset Lake? 
Yes, many homes in Sunset Lake are situated on the water and offer private boat docks with direct access to Biscayne Bay, making it a prime location for boating and water sports.
2. Is Sunset Lake a good location for families? 
Yes, Sunset Lake is ideal for families, offering proximity to top-rated schools like North Beach Elementary, Miami Beach Nautilus Middle School, and Rabbi Alexander Gross High School.
3. How close is Sunset Lake to Miami Beach attractions? 
Sunset Lake is just minutes away from the shops, dining, and entertainment options of South Beach, as well as recreational spaces like Miami Beach Golf Club, Collins Park, and the Miami Beach Botanical Garden.
4. Are virtual tours available for homes in Sunset Lake? 
Yes, virtual tours are available upon request for many Sunset Lake homes for sale, allowing potential buyers to explore homes remotely.

Sunset Lake Market Status

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