Preston Palm Beach Gardens 3 Homes for Sale | Echo Fine Properties Artboard 1? alert-icon? Artboard 1? ? ? delete-icon? edit-icon? email-icon hide-hover-icon? Artboard 1? login-icon-white Artboard 1? next-icon-left next-icon-right-left next-icon-left-ochre next-icon next-icon-right-grey next-icon-right-ochre plus-with-circle-iconP search-fw-icon? search-icon-ochre search-icon-white


A subdivision of PGA National.

Total Homes : 185

Percentage Available: 0.5 %

Gated : Yes

Club Membership : No

No-Fee Community : No

Preston, Palm Beach Gardens, FL Homes for Sale

101 Sandbourne Lane | PGA Resort Community Of P $19,000/mo 6 3/1 $4 -
168 Thornton Drive | PGA Resort Community Of P $12,000/mo 3 3/1 $5 -
101 Thornton Drive | Preston At PGA National $1,750,000 4 4 $445 -
79 Sandbourne Lane | Preston At PGA National $1,650,000 4 4 $493 -
111 Sandbourne Lane | Preston Estates $1,135,000 5 5 $251 -
111 Thornton Drive | Preston - PGA National $1,100,000 5 5 $237 -
110 Woodsmuir Court | PGA National - Preston $1,075,000 4 4/1 $378 -
125 Thornton Drive | Preston $900,000 7 6/2 $203 -
221 Thornton Drive | Preston $1,100,000 5 4/1 $262 -
192 Thornton Drive | Preston $1,100,000 4 3/1 $311 -
83 Sandbourne Lane | Preston $1,100,000 4 3/1 $356 -
137 Brookhaven Court | Preston At PGA National $1,025,000 3 3 $401 -
210 Thornton Drive | Preston $1,050,000 4 3 $352 -
102 Woodsmuir Court | Preston $975,000 4 5 $344 -
105 Sandbourne Lane | Preston $895,000 7 5/1 $206 -
207 Thornton Drive | Preston $920,000 5 4 $275 -
107 THORNTON Drive #FL | Preston $965,000 5 5 $268 -
201 Thornton Drive | Preston At PGA National $915,000 4 3/1 $342 -
110 Sandbourne Lane | Preston At PGA National $885,000 4 4/1 $275 -
103 Golfview Court | Preston At PGA National $915,000 3 3 $345 -
101 Brookhaven Court | Preston $910,000 5 5 $234 -
102 Woodsmuir Court | Preston $785,000 4 5 $295 -
219 Thornton Drive | PGA Resort Community Of P $862,500 4 3/2 $259 -
203 Thornton Drive | Preston $850,000 4 3/1 $334 -
151 Thornton Drive | Preston $847,500 5 4 $287 -
131 Brookhaven Court | Preston Estates $820,000 5 4 $208 -
111 Thornton Drive | Preston $840,000 5 5 $173 -
110 Woodsmuir Court | Preston PGA National $725,500 4 3/2 $254 -
99 Sandbourne Lane | Preston $725,000 5 3/1 $232 -
106 Woodsmuir Court | Preston - PGA $779,900 4 4 $217 -
166 Thornton Drive | Preston $779,000 3 3/1 $363 -
146 Thornton Drive | Preston $776,000 3 3/1 $346 -
199 Thornton Drive | Preston $710,000 4 4/1 $229 -
129 Brookhaven Court | Preston $749,995 3 3/1 $234 -
196 Thornton Drive | Preston $700,000 4 3 $277 -
109 Brookhaven Court | Preston $675,000 4 3 $266 -
210 Thornton Drive | Preston $640,000 4 3 $209 -
129 Brookhaven Court | Preston $675,000 4 3/1 $209 -
100 Brookhaven Court | Preston $662,000 4 3/1 $207 -
133 Brookhaven Court | Preston $654,100 5 3 $221 -
159 Thornton Drive | Preston $650,000 4 3 $228 -
161 Thornton Drive | Preston,pga National $632,500 4 3/1 $199 -

108 Sandbourne Lane | Preston At PGA National


4 beds, 4 baths, 2,827sqft, $548/sqft

101 Sandbourne Lane | PGA Resort


6 beds, 6/1 baths, 5,008sqft, $709/sqft

143 Thornton Drive | PGA Resort Community Of P


3 beds, 4/1 baths, 3,982sqft, $440/sqft

101 Sandbourne Lane | PGA Resort Community Of P


6 beds, 3/1 baths, 5,008sqft, $4/sqft

168 Thornton Drive | PGA Resort Community Of P


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,447sqft, $5/sqft

108 Sandbourne Lane | Preston At PGA National


4 beds, 4 baths, 2,827sqft, $548/sqft

101 Sandbourne Lane | PGA Resort


6 beds, 6/1 baths, 5,008sqft, $709/sqft

143 Thornton Drive | PGA Resort Community Of P


3 beds, 4/1 baths, 3,982sqft, $440/sqft

101 Sandbourne Lane | PGA Resort Community Of P


6 beds, 3/1 baths, 5,008sqft, $4/sqft

168 Thornton Drive | PGA Resort Community Of P


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,447sqft, $5/sqft

101 Thornton Drive | Preston At PGA National


4 beds, 4 baths, 4,500sqft, $445/sqft

79 Sandbourne Lane | Preston At PGA National


4 beds, 4 baths, 3,449sqft, $493/sqft

111 Sandbourne Lane | Preston Estates


5 beds, 5 baths, 4,794sqft, $251/sqft

111 Thornton Drive | Preston - PGA National


5 beds, 5 baths, 5,075sqft, $237/sqft

110 Woodsmuir Court | PGA National - Preston


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 3,177sqft, $378/sqft

125 Thornton Drive | Preston


7 beds, 6/2 baths, 5,908sqft, $203/sqft

221 Thornton Drive | Preston


5 beds, 4/1 baths, 4,584sqft, $262/sqft

192 Thornton Drive | Preston


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,850sqft, $311/sqft

83 Sandbourne Lane | Preston


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,312sqft, $356/sqft

137 Brookhaven Court | Preston At PGA National


3 beds, 3 baths, 2,872sqft, $401/sqft

210 Thornton Drive | Preston


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,985sqft, $352/sqft

102 Woodsmuir Court | Preston


4 beds, 5 baths, 3,056sqft, $344/sqft

105 Sandbourne Lane | Preston


7 beds, 5/1 baths, 5,104sqft, $206/sqft

207 Thornton Drive | Preston


5 beds, 4 baths, 3,649sqft, $275/sqft

107 THORNTON Drive #FL | Preston


5 beds, 5 baths, 3,730sqft, $268/sqft

201 Thornton Drive | Preston At PGA National


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,709sqft, $342/sqft

110 Sandbourne Lane | Preston At PGA National


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 3,375sqft, $275/sqft

103 Golfview Court | Preston At PGA National


3 beds, 3 baths, 2,615sqft, $345/sqft

101 Brookhaven Court | Preston


5 beds, 5 baths, 3,852sqft, $234/sqft

102 Woodsmuir Court | Preston


4 beds, 5 baths, 3,056sqft, $295/sqft

219 Thornton Drive | PGA Resort Community Of P


4 beds, 3/2 baths, 3,476sqft, $259/sqft

203 Thornton Drive | Preston


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,699sqft, $334/sqft

151 Thornton Drive | Preston


5 beds, 4 baths, 3,141sqft, $287/sqft

131 Brookhaven Court | Preston Estates


5 beds, 4 baths, 4,224sqft, $208/sqft

111 Thornton Drive | Preston


5 beds, 5 baths, 5,035sqft, $173/sqft

110 Woodsmuir Court | Preston PGA National


4 beds, 3/2 baths, 3,160sqft, $254/sqft

99 Sandbourne Lane | Preston


5 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,457sqft, $232/sqft

106 Woodsmuir Court | Preston - PGA


4 beds, 4 baths, 3,688sqft, $217/sqft

166 Thornton Drive | Preston


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,154sqft, $363/sqft

146 Thornton Drive | Preston


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,243sqft, $346/sqft

199 Thornton Drive | Preston


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 3,393sqft, $229/sqft

129 Brookhaven Court | Preston


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,215sqft, $234/sqft

196 Thornton Drive | Preston


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,620sqft, $277/sqft

109 Brookhaven Court | Preston


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,690sqft, $266/sqft

210 Thornton Drive | Preston


4 beds, 3 baths, 3,355sqft, $209/sqft

129 Brookhaven Court | Preston


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,357sqft, $209/sqft

100 Brookhaven Court | Preston


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,380sqft, $207/sqft

133 Brookhaven Court | Preston


5 beds, 3 baths, 3,176sqft, $221/sqft

159 Thornton Drive | Preston


4 beds, 3 baths, 3,067sqft, $228/sqft

161 Thornton Drive | Preston,pga National


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,468sqft, $199/sqft

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One of the newest communities of custom homes in PGA National is Preston. Located behind private gates, the homes in Preston were built primarily in the early 1990’s and offer lake views or views of The Palmer golf course.

These custom Palm Beach Garden homes offer three, four, five and even six bedroom floor plans with living areas from around 2,300 to around 5,000 all with private pools on Thornton Drive, Woodsmuir Drive, Golfview Court, Sandbourne Lane, and Brookhaven Lane. In classic estate home fashion, these spacious homes feature grand master suites with amenities found in the finest estate homes in the Palm Beach Gardens area. Inside custom features abound with custom built-ins, wainscoting, stainless steel appliances with granite counters and venetian plaster. Outside you might find accordion shutters and gas generators to protect in the event of a hurricane.

PGA National is a planned master community of nearly 5,000 single family homes, townhouses, villas and condominiums located in the heart of Palm Beach Gardens. This beautiful development also has raw playgrounds, hiking trails and cycling paths.In addition to the green spaces, on the western side of PGA where the community merges into the natural preserve, 240 acres has been set aside for a wildlife habitat with pavilion for viewing. You might catch a view of an otter or fox, Florida’s wading birds or an osprey.

PGA National is devoted to golf and five championship courses attest to this. The PGA Tour stops here in March when they play “The Honda Classic” on “The Champion” course. The courses wind through the entire community and views of players await you at nearly every opportunity. The heart of PGA National is the famous PGA National Resort and Spa which offers hotel guests golf, an Olympic pool in a tropical setting with poolside dining, luxurious spa facilities with full amenities and fine restaurants. Outside you will find 18 tennis courts and croquet courts. There are also indoor racquetball courts and fitness facilities.

PGA is centrally located along the main corridor through Palm Beach Gardens, PGA Boulevard. Just 5 minutes away you will find all types of restaurants from sushi bars to raw foods or waterfront dining at The River House or The Waterway Café, PGA Commons, Midtown at the Gardens and Downtown at the Gardens offer even more choices for dining.

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