Sorrento Miami Beach 11 Homes for Sale | Echo Fine Properties Artboard 1? alert-icon? Artboard 1? ? ? delete-icon? edit-icon? email-icon hide-hover-icon? Artboard 1? login-icon-white Artboard 1? next-icon-left next-icon-right-left next-icon-left-ochre next-icon next-icon-right-grey next-icon-right-ochre plus-with-circle-iconP search-fw-icon? search-icon-ochre search-icon-white


A subdivision of Oceanfront.

Total Homes : 286

Percentage Available: 4.5 %

Gated : No

Club Membership : No

No-Fee Community : No

Sorrento, Miami Beach, FL Homes for Sale

4391 Collins Ave #913 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C $800,000 0 1 $1,779 -
4391 Collins Ave #914 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C $1,450,000 1 2 $1,779 -
4391 Collins Ave #907 | Fontainebleau Iii/sorrento,fontainebleau Iii/so $1,400,000 2 2/1 $1,564 -
4391 Collins Ave #722/723 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C $2,275,000 2 3 $3,912 -
4391 Collins Ave #522/523 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C $1,800,000 2 3 $1,211 -
4391 COLLINS AV #1007 | Fontainebleau Iii Sorrento,fontainebleau Iii $1,490,000 1 1/1 $1,775 -
4391 Collins Ave #714 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C $1,500,000 1 1/1 $1,623 -
4391 COLLINS AVE #1514 | Fontainebleau Iii Sorrento,fontainebleau Iii $1,700,000 1 2 $1,615 -
4391 Collins Ave #906 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean $800,000 1 1/1 $1,540 -
4391 COLLINS AVE #1509 | Fontainebleau,fontainebleau Iii $1,375,000 1 1/1 $1,841 -
4391 Collins Ave #1019 | Fontainebleau Iii $1,000,000 0 1 $1,620 -
4391 Collins Ave #623 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean,fontainebleau Iii Oc $1,200,000 1 2 $1,214 -
4391 Collins Ave #1817 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C $1,050,000 0 1 $1,366 -
4391 Collins Avenue #1905 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C $1,000,000 0 1 $1,977 -
4391 Collins Ave #1719 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C $1,030,000 0 1 $1,341 -
4391 Collins Ave #1403 | Fountainebleau Sorrento $950,000 0 1 $1,896 -
4391 Collins Ave #906 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C $930,000 0 1 $1,875 -
4391 Collins Ave #811 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C $930,000 0 1 $1,920 -
4391 Collins Ave #313 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C $950,000 0 1 $1,916 -
4391 Collins Ave #701 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean $915,000 0 1 $1,596 -
4391 Collins Ave #1712 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C $905,000 0 0 $1,872 -
4391 Collins Ave #1212 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C,fontainebleau $920,000 0 1 $1,776 -
4391 Collins Ave #721 | Fontainebleau Iii $880,000 0 1 $1,557 -
4391 Collins Ave #504 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean $870,000 0 1 $1,600 -
4391 Collins Ave #720 | Fontainebleau Iii $805,000 0 1 $1,533 -
4391 COLLINS AV #916 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean $800,000 0 1 $1,560 -
4391 Collins Ave #1704 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C $810,000 0 0 $1,517 -
4391 Collins Ave #702 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C $803,000 0 1 $1,500 -
4391 Collins Ave #1118 | Fontainebleau Iii $790,000 0 1 $1,515 -
4391 Collins Ave #804 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C $750,000 0 1 $1,379 -
4391 Collins Ave #916 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C $650,000 0 1 $1,395 -

4391 Collins Ave #512 | Fontainebleau Iii


5 beds, 6/1 baths, 5,386sqft, $2,693/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #1809/1810 | Fontainebleau Iii


2 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,532sqft, $2,282/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #1501/1502 | Fontainebleau Iii


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,118sqft, $1,968/sqft

Virtual Tour - 4391 Collins Ave #709 | Fontainebleau Iii


1 beds, 1/1 baths, 771sqft, $2,595/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #623 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


1 beds, 2 baths, 1,063sqft, $1,693/sqft

4391 COLLINS AV #1007 | Fontainebleau Iii


1 beds, 1/1 baths, 958sqft, $1,826/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #1502 | Fontainebleau Iii


1 baths, 544sqft, $2,023/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #1501 | Fontainebleau Iii


1 baths, 574sqft, $1,882/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #816 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


1 baths, 538sqft, $1,841/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #718 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


1 baths, 538sqft, $1,841/sqft

Virtual Tour - 4391 Collins Ave #1016 | Fontainebleau Iii


1 baths, 538sqft, $1,627/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #512 | Fontainebleau Iii


5 beds, 6/1 baths, 5,386sqft, $2,693/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #1809/1810 | Fontainebleau Iii


2 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,532sqft, $2,282/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #1501/1502 | Fontainebleau Iii


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,118sqft, $1,968/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #709 | Fontainebleau Iii


1 beds, 1/1 baths, 771sqft, $2,595/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #623 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


1 beds, 2 baths, 1,063sqft, $1,693/sqft

4391 COLLINS AV #1007 | Fontainebleau Iii


1 beds, 1/1 baths, 958sqft, $1,826/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #1502 | Fontainebleau Iii


1 baths, 544sqft, $2,023/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #1501 | Fontainebleau Iii


1 baths, 574sqft, $1,882/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #816 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


1 baths, 538sqft, $1,841/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #718 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


1 baths, 538sqft, $1,841/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #1016 | Fontainebleau Iii


1 baths, 538sqft, $1,627/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #913 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


1 baths, 1,461sqft, $1,779/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #914 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


1 beds, 2 baths, 1,461sqft, $1,779/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #907 | Fontainebleau Iii/sorrento,fontainebleau Iii/so


2 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,502sqft, $1,564/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #722/723 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


2 beds, 3 baths, 588sqft, $3,912/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #522/523 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


2 beds, 3 baths, 1,651sqft, $1,211/sqft

4391 COLLINS AV #1007 | Fontainebleau Iii Sorrento,fontainebleau Iii


1 beds, 1/1 baths, 958sqft, $1,775/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #714 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


1 beds, 1/1 baths, 940sqft, $1,623/sqft

4391 COLLINS AVE #1514 | Fontainebleau Iii Sorrento,fontainebleau Iii


1 beds, 2 baths, 940sqft, $1,615/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #906 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean


1 beds, 1/1 baths, 958sqft, $1,540/sqft

4391 COLLINS AVE #1509 | Fontainebleau,fontainebleau Iii


1 beds, 1/1 baths, 771sqft, $1,841/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #1019 | Fontainebleau Iii


1 baths, 802sqft, $1,620/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #623 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean,fontainebleau Iii Oc


1 beds, 2 baths, 1,063sqft, $1,214/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #1817 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


1 baths, 802sqft, $1,366/sqft

4391 Collins Avenue #1905 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


1 baths, 544sqft, $1,977/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #1719 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


1 baths, 802sqft, $1,341/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #1403 | Fountainebleau Sorrento


1 baths, 554sqft, $1,896/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #906 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


1 baths, 544sqft, $1,875/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #811 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


1 baths, 521sqft, $1,920/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #313 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


1 baths, 522sqft, $1,916/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #701 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean


1 baths, 626sqft, $1,596/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #721 | Fontainebleau Iii


1 baths, 588sqft, $1,557/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #504 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean


1 baths, 544sqft, $1,600/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #720 | Fontainebleau Iii


1 baths, 554sqft, $1,533/sqft

4391 COLLINS AV #916 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean


1 baths, 538sqft, $1,560/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #702 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


1 baths, 544sqft, $1,500/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #1118 | Fontainebleau Iii


1 baths, 538sqft, $1,515/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #804 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


1 baths, 544sqft, $1,379/sqft

4391 Collins Ave #916 | Fontainebleau Iii Ocean C


1 baths, 538sqft, $1,395/sqft

Sorrento Map

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Discover Sorrento in Miami Beach 

Located on Miami Beach, Florida’s immaculate coastline, Sorrento is a posh condo complex where residents may live on the beach while still having access to top-notch amenities and the energy of the city. Sorrento blends luxury and comfort, providing first-rate amenities like a clubhouse, private cabanas, a pool, spa, hot tub, and a fully-equipped fitness center. It’s perfect for both primary residences and getaways. Sorrento is more than just a house; it’s a way of life that perfectly combines peace and excitement, perfectly capturing the spirit of Miami Beach living. It boasts gorgeously planted gardens, breathtaking views of the ocean, and easy access to Miami’s main attractions. 

Sorrento Real Estate 

A wide range of chic condo homes that cater to a variety of needs and tastes are available in the homes for sale Sorrento’s real estate market. This complex, which has 286 condominiums, offers a variety of floor plans and layouts to suit different lifestyle needs. The sizes of the residences range from roughly 500 square feet to more than 5,400 square feet, and there are possibilities for both large multi-bedroom layouts and comfortable one-bedroom apartments. Every apartment is meticulously crafted, fusing luxurious finishes with contemporary style, making it the perfect option for discriminating purchasers. 

These condos include elegant features that improve living conditions overall and offer plenty of living space. The larger apartments have many bedrooms and bathrooms, as well as individual balconies where inhabitants may enjoy breathtaking views of the city and ocean. From young professionals and children to retirees looking for an opulent getaway in a desirable location, Sorrento homes for sale caters to a broad spectrum of customers with its affordable prices and flexible size options. 

Things To Do Around the Area 

The best attractions in Miami Beach are only a short drive from Sorrento due to its ideal location. Collins Park and Indian Beach Park provide beautiful green areas ideal for walks, picnics, and taking in the Florida sunlight for those who love the great outdoors. The neighboring Miami Beach Golf Club offers golfers of all ability levels a difficult but pleasurable course with lovely views and well-kept greens. Living in Sorrento also gives you quick access to Miami’s beaches, which offer limitless sun and surf days. 

For shopping and dining, residents have an array of options, including the iconic Lincoln Road Mall and Shoppes of Il Villaggio, where an assortment of boutiques, cafes, and upscale stores await. Families will appreciate the area’s excellent educational facilities, with North Beach Elementary School, Miami Beach Nautilus Middle School, and Rabbi Alexander Gross High School nearby. Health and wellness amenities are also conveniently close, with Mount Sinai Medical Center and Banfield Pet Hospital offering comprehensive healthcare services. Sorrento’s location provides both convenience and access to all the best Miami Beach has to offer, making it a prime choice for those seeking a balanced and vibrant lifestyle. 

Sorrento Amenities 

  • clubhouse 
  • cabana 
  • pool 
  • spa  
  • hot tub 
  • fitness center 

Sorrento FAQs  

1. What types of condos are available at Sorrento? 
Sorrento offers a range of condos, from cozy one-bedroom units to spacious multi-bedroom layouts, with sizes varying from 500 to over 5,400 square feet.
2. Is Sorrento located near parks or recreational areas? 
Yes, Sorrento is close to Collins Park and Indian Beach Park, as well as Miami Beach Golf Club for golf enthusiasts.
3. What shopping options are nearby? 
Residents have convenient access to shopping at Lincoln Road Mall and Shoppes of Il Villaggio, which feature a variety of boutiques, cafes, and stores.
4. Are virtual tours available for Sorrento condos? 
Yes, virtual tours are available for Sorrento condos for sale, allowing prospective buyers to explore the community and units online. Speak to an ECHO agent for more information.


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Jeff Lichtenstein's Echo Fine Properties


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