5 Mistakes Buyers and Sellers Make when Purchasing. - Echo Fine Properties Artboard 1? alert-icon? Artboard 1? ? ? delete-icon? edit-icon? email-icon hide-hover-icon? Artboard 1? login-icon-white Artboard 1? next-icon-left next-icon-right-left next-icon-left-ochre next-icon next-icon-right-grey next-icon-right-ochre plus-with-circle-iconP search-fw-icon? search-icon-ochre search-icon-white


Jeff Lichtenstein

Jan 10, 2025

5 Mistakes Buyers and Sellers Make when Purchasing.

5 Mistakes Buyers and Sellers Make when Purchasing.

5 Mistakes Buyers and Sellers Make when Purchasing


There are times when you don’t want an earful.  And for those I highly recommend Mack’s Comfy Cush Slim Fit Soft Foam Earplugs.   You may have a more slender or robust earhole but Mack’s slim fit, fits me just right.

I like to work at our dining room table and need quiet to get work done. But it’s a noisy world.  The lawnmower.  Folks walking their dog, prompting Chloe our dog to get all woof woof woof. Then there is Sam with his video games. The television. Martha with the vacuum. My beautiful wife on a meaningful and important phone call (was that worded properly?)  and even listening to death scrolling on social media. Mack’s are helpful at work, the airport, Starbucks, you name it. You get 50 pairs for $11.99 reducing noise to 31 decibels.

When in the field though as a real estate agent, I want an earful.  The more they talk the better I do for you.  Here are 5 “quiet” tips buyers and sellers should be aware of……

Buyers usually make the most mistakes because the Sellers, if they are smart, get out of the house. That leaves the listing agent to “read” the Buyer directly.

1. Buyers talk openly in front of the listing agent about their plans. What Buyers need to understand is that the listing agent is not your friend. The listing agent is secretly interrogating you without you realizing it. We train our agents to always ask open ended questions to derive information they can give back to the Seller for a better negotiating position. Part of the reason we don’t use a lockbox. For instance, if the listing agents hears that the Buyer wants a Southern exposure, a remodeled home and needs to be in within 30 days, a good listing agent will relay that to a Seller. If nothing else is available on the market, the Seller now has the upper hand in negotiations.

2. Buyers also give things away nonverbally by jingling keys or glances at each other that the listing agent can see. Be aware of yourself.

3. Buyers with spouses or partners need to be on the same page. If one party says to the other that “we need this house” and “don’t care what it takes to get it”, that will be relayed to the Seller. Hold your tongue and talk in the car.

4. Sellers that show up at the home inspection conversely can hurt themselves by being put on the spot when asked if they will take care of repairs. Many panic and say they will repair everything when they really don’t need to. It’s why I don’t want my Sellers at the inspection.

5. Sellers also can show their desperation by hanging around to meet the buyer and then have an awkward interrogation. One of the reasons why I invented the 15-Minute Lie


And if you don’t follow my advice, you are going to need to purchase some Mack’s Earplugs. Because when the negotiations go south, your partner is going to give you an earful!

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