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Living Waters Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine | Healing the Mind, Body, & Spirit | Holistic Help
Echo Fine Properties

18 APR

Living Waters Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine | Healing the Mind, Body, & Spirit | Holistic Help

Living Waters Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine | Healing the Mind, Body, & Spirit | Holistic Help

Echo Fine Properties Real Estate Agent Dara Dickinson takes us to Living Waters Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine to show us how Dr. “T” is healing the mind, body, & spirit!

Patricia Geensburg, Dr. “T” is a Florida licensed, Nationally Board-Certified Doctor of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine currently practicing in Palm Beach Gardens

Her practical and applicable understanding of holistic healing includes Traditional Western and Eastern modalities combined with cutting-edge bio/integrative medicine

Her aim is to promote optimal wellness & preventive medicine by providing the community with high quality holistic, patient- centered care through Acupuncture, Oriental and Natural Medicine, Nutritional Consulting/Education and Alternative Therapies.

Inspired by her own personal medical experience with conventional medicine, she chose the “road less traveled” and took her chances with complementary alternative medicine after being told she was carrying the big “C” and being diagnosed with colon cancer when she was 29 years old. After an arduous year of suffering and finding herself in the hands of many different gastroenterologists and no answers and/or relieve from her symptoms, she became a student of naturopathy and a researcher in the field of medicine to be able to understand the pathophysiology mechanisms and etiology of colon cancer.

Live a Pain-Free Rejuvenating Healthy Life!

For more information:

Contact Dara Dickinson for all of your real estate needs!


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